Germans get bored with training, drive a bunch of Mercedes

Schweini ridin' dirty.

As the international break rambles on, it seems even the national teams themselves are having a hard time finding ways to keep from slipping into comas. That, combined with corporate obligations just might be why the German squad took a trip to a safe driving training course and drove some cars from team sponsor Mercedes-Benz on Monday. Let's see how super fun that was...

They got to play with walkie-talkies, too?!?! This might have been the best day ever. "Roger, 10-4. I'm riding shotgun with ComingKlose and we got ourselves a convoy."

Oh no! Michael Ballack slicked the road!

Lu-Lu-Lu Lukas Podolski fist pumps as he listens to his theme song.

Thomas Muller continues to make his case for becoming our next...The Continental.

And then he did this.

In the end, Tim Wiese won the driving competition (and a video game, it appears), Bastian Schweinsteiger finished second (he got a miniature car) and Captain ThumbsUp finished third (not sure what he's holding -- mayonnaise-resistant plastic seat cover?).

And there you have it. Another day in the interlull.

Photos: Getty Images
