David Moyes letting fans decide his fate, Capello isnt

It's been a somewhat disappointing season for cash-strapped Everton as they sit eighth in the table (exactly where they finished last season) and David Moyes realizes that he's lucky the roving wave of impatience hasn't washed over him yet. After nine years with the same club (the third longest term in the Premier League right now), Moyes isn't hanging to his job until an angry mob pries his cold, dead hands off his club track jacket like so many other managers when things turn nasty. He'll go whenever the fans want him gone.

Said Moyes on TalkSport's Keys & Gray Feminist Football Hour:

"I've always said I wouldn't want the supporters to get fed up of me because at the end of the day it's their football club, it's not mine. I'm there to do the job and try and do it to the best of my ability.

"If I got the feeling they were fed up with me then I'd do something about it. But I don't at the moment, I still see it as one of the biggest clubs in England, and I'm really thrilled to be manager of the club."

Upon hearing this theory, Fabio Capello let out a burst of nervous laughter, then went quiet as he wondered how quick he would be out of a job if managers had to go along with the fans' will. And then a journalist hit him in the head with a brick.

Photo: Getty Images
