FIFA presidential candidate unveils amazing campaign slogan

Asian Football Confederation president Mohamed Bin Hammam announced that he is running for the FIFA presidency on Friday, making him Sepp Blatter's only challenger who isn't just trying to run so he can get more Twitter followers.

Behind a podium in Kuala Lumpur, Bin Hammam showed off his genius new campaign slogan: "Future." That's it. Just future. Which reminds me of the opening of Plan 9 from Outer Space:

"Greetings, my friend. We are all interested in the future, for that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives. And remember my friend, future events such as these will affect you in the future."

Yes, we will spend the rest of our lives in the future and Mohamed Bin Hammam wants to be FIFA president while we do it. Here are his campaign promises (via Reuters)...

* Will expand the FIFA executive committee to 41, including the president, and rebrand it the FIFA board.

* Will double FIFA member donations to $500,000

* Will support goalline technology and the use of two additional assistant referees in matches.

* Will increase funds in the FIFA goal project for developing nations to $1 million.

* Promises to decentralise bureaucratic FIFA administration.

* Will establish a FIFA transparency committee

Bin Hammam rates his chances at 50-50, which seems generous against the Vengeful God of Football. Still, by constantly reminding people that the future is coming and implying that it will be all thumbs up and smiles if he wins, Bin Hammam could become the future future of the future.

Photo: Getty Images
