Ochocinco satisfied but not good enough in reserve match

More than 3,000 people watched the live internet stream of Chad Ochocinco's appearance in Sporting KC's reserve match against Premier Development League side Kansas City Brass and, as expected, wasn't mistaken for Lionel Messi. But that was never the point of this little adventure.

Ochocinco played the last 30-plus minutes of the match on the wing for the Sporting KC reserves and didn't do much of note. His crosses were off target, his attempts to muscle past defenders were largely unsuccessful and his overall tentativeness kept him from making an impact despite a good number of touches. By the end, he looked tired and spent, but he clearly enjoyed every second of the experience.

After the match, Chad spoke with the humble honesty and appreciation that he's had throughout his time in Kansas City. From the AP:

"I've been away from the game since I was a little kid," [Ochocinco] said. "I'm just having fun. The skill set is not there like it should be. All I can do out here on the pitch is probably just run fast. Other than that, I just enjoyed it."

"I'm satisfied," he said. "My dream has been answered, to be able to come onto the pitch and play for an MLS team. It doesn't have to be against someone professional. Just to be out here was enough for me. I can go home. I can die tomorrow and be satisfied. I can go to heaven and tell God, 'Man, I played professional soccer and I'm good."'

"It's been a dream come true for me to be on the pitch, man, with so many of these guys who are elite athletes at the top of their game," Ochocinco s! aid. &qu ot;I enjoyed it."

Sporting KC coach Peter Vermes said he would talk about Ocho on Tuesday and reiterated that it would be a "long shot for him to make our roster." But that doesn't necessarily mean Chad's time with the club is over and done. With no end to the NFL lockout in sight, Chad could stay on as a member of the reserve team...

"It's something that we'll talk about," Vermes said. "I just don't know yet. We'll talk about it a little bit. But I don't think he would be a distraction. I also want to see where his head's at as well."

Ochocinco has said he would be happy just being a reserve player.

"This would be good conditioning instead of sitting at home," he said. "Why sit at home for the lockout? Just keep on working until it gets resolved and when it does get resolved, I'd probably be in the best shape of anybody."

The way this whole thing has gone, keeping Chad around in some capacity seems fantastic for all parties involved. Ocho could continue to train, stay fit and improve his game and the club could retain a guy who has been a tremendous marketing tool and positive influence. Vermes said when he first extended Chad's trial to include Monday's match that he was a gentleman and a class act and all the players apparently to love him. And how could they not when he's buying everyone dinner?

Photo: AP
