DTotD: A flying elbow to the face only gets a yellow card

In the final minutes of ADO Den Haag's 2-2 draw against Feyenoord last Sunday, the home side's Ahmed Ammi completely disregarded the ball and delivered a brutal flying elbow smash to Ryo Miyaichi's face. Miyaichi's teammate, Diego Biseswar was understandably upset by this and tried to go after Ammi, but when the referee finally settled things down, the punishments were a yellow card for Ammi and a yellow card for Biseswar.

Meanwhile, Miyaichi is going to be having cold sweats for a while -- nervous that whenever he least expects it, Ahmed Ammi and his elbow could come swooping down out of the sky among a swarm of hungry and relentless seagulls. I assuming he doesn't likes seagulls, either.
