Palermo fans pen open letter asking club's owner to stop acting crazy

Palermo owner and president Maurizio Zamparini is a bit of a lunatic. He goes through managers like Charlie Sheen goes through pornstars and isn't afraid to shout whatever unhinged ramblings pass through his head.

Now, with the club sitting fifth in the Serie A table halfway through manager Delio Rossi's second season in charge, Palermo fans are begging Zamparini to keep his mouth shut so he doesn't screw everything up. He has repeatedly berated Rossi in public and the fans are afraid the manager will realize he doesn't have to take that and leave. So, they've started a petition and released an open letter to Zamparini.

The full letter (via Football Italia) right this way...

Dear President, football in Palermo is inextricably tied to the figure of Maurizio Zamparini, read the petition.

Since your arrival at Palermo, things have changed and the club grew rapidly. The fans believe this club has finally found the right man in Delio Rossi to push on this project based on young talent.

Right in the moment when we should be most united and happy with our performances, not a day goes by in which we dont read about some friction, row or split between you and the Coach that will inevitably lead to the end of this rapport when the season comes to a close.

The results are constructed together with team work. Even from within the heart of the team with Fabrizio Miccoli, Giulio Migliaccio and Javier Pastore, there have been comments warning about this.

The Coach is working very well, the team is with him, the fans share and respect his ideas, the table and performances speak clearly. Therefore, why should we shoot ourselves in the foot?

Zamparini's response? After being informed that he can't sack the fans, he'll probably sack Rossi just for be! ing ment ioned in it.

Photo: Getty Images
