Villa scores with lovely chip, Pep celebrates by man-handling Bojan

Barcelona only managed a 1-1 draw against Sporting Gijon on Saturday thanks to David Villa's perfect chip in the 80th minute that left goalkeeper Ivan Pichu totally helpless. After being down since the 16th minute, Barcelona were understandably overjoyed to get Villa's equalizer.

Pep Guardiola was so overjoyed that he decided to take it out on poor Bojan by grabbing his shoulders from behind and giving him a shake before shoving him away. Kind of a violent way to celebrate, but Bojan appeared to take it in good fun (in the split second before he was pushed out of frame). Still, if Pep's celebrations continue to escalate in their abusiveness, he might be bashing Jose Pinto in the head with a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire come season's end.

Have another look at the goal, which was brilliantly set up by Leo Messi (of course)...
