Mourinho low fives all the mascots, might be football's Willy Wonka

While some men would have sullenly contemplated the heavily hyped importance of finally getting Real Madrid past the Lyon and the Champions League round of 16, a playful Jose Mourinho spent the moments before the first leg low fiving the match's young mascots. He gave each child on both sides a little hand slap, bringing smiles to each of their faces -- except the last kid in blue, who nearly elbowed Mourinho in the ribs when The Special One surprised him with an ear tickle. The only thing missing from this moment was a musical number about imagination, candy and how dumb Rafa Benitez is.

If Willy Wonka dressed in all black and wore and snood instead of a top hat, he would be Jose Mourinho. Which might explain reports that Karim Benzema looked like a giant blueberry for several days last November.

Video via 101gg
