Having your pants fall down will ruin a chance at a photo with Messi

Having your ever considered chasing down Lionel Messi outside of an airport in an attempt to take a picture with him? Well, calm down, Skippy, and make sure you're wearing a belt. When faced with the decision to hound an emo looking Messi for a picture or keep his pants up, the guy in this clip decided to focus solely on Messi, which resulted in his pants falling down just as he was about to reach his goal.

Messi seems a bit confused and decides to forge ahead for his waiting taxi while the guy freezes, hands full and pants around his knees outside the Barcelona airport and in front of a television camera. At that moment, he knew exactly how it feels to play against Lionel Messi.

And yes, that bald guy walking next to Messi at the beginning of the clip is most definitely a Bond villain.

Video via 101gg
