Lazio defender helps Cagliari by directing off target shot into his goal

In the 40th minute of Lazio and Cagliari's 0-0 match on Sunday, Lazio defender Andre Dias generously offered his clumsy assistance to Robert Acquafresca's off target shot. The ball was clearly destined to go wide, but Dias spastically ushered it into his own empty net. It was especially generous considering the match would end 1-0 in Cagliari's favor.

In the wake of the unsporting behavior in the Foggia v Gela match that led to a gang fight, it's nice to see footballers are still willing to help out their opponents from time to time. Still, it's amazing Lazio goalkeeper Tommaso Berni was willing to help Dias up out of the net instead of slapping his hand away and covering him in used needles.

Video via The Original Winger
