Polkraine 2012: Standing Atop Special Stands


Of all the many things accounted for in the bid for Polkraine 2012, they probably didnt include having to consider, or being asked for, a stand exclusively for gay and lesbian football fans.

Thats changing. A movement of sorts has erupted in Poland to allow a gay fan club their own special stand at Polkraine 2012.

But other gay rights activists criticized the proposal Wednesday, saying it would single gay fans out and put them at greater risk.

Teczowa Trybuna 2012, or Rainbow Stand 2012, calls itself the first gay fan club for Polands national team. It says on its website that its members fear aggression from other fans and want to feel safe during the championship in Poland and neighboring Ukraine.

During trips to matches of our beloved clubs we unfortunately are often faced with unpleasantness, harassment and violence from the real fans, it said. We dream of being able to relax in the standswe cant imagine not being at the Euro 2012 matches, which will be held in our country!

Hardly the biggest story to come out of building up to Polkraine 2012 that belongs to those unfounded rumbling which precede every major tournament: will it happen? but its certainly one of the more intriguing ones. There are points to each side, but the chances that it happens are ultimately slim the precedent would be too great and possibly too easily manipulated in the future. First sexual orientation, then religion, then milk preference (1%, skim, whole, etc). Where would it all end?

Very unfortunate they think it necessary, though.
