FC Zurich fans unveil Gene Simmons display, with giant tongue

FC Zurich fans invoked the mighty Kiss to express their devotion to their club during last Saturday's 2-0 Swiss Super League win over Lucerne. They turned their section behind the goal blue and white with a giant Gene Simmons head complete with a blood-red tongue that they pulled of the mouth hole with a stick. Though their Gene Simmons tongue was nowhere near as long and freaky as the real Gene Simmons' tongue, it was still a nice touch.

Below the Gene Simmons head were the words "I was made for loving you" -- a Kiss song from their 1979 album Dynasty. Of course, a Kiss display that references a song released in 1979 is a bit of a throwback, but it's certainly better than a Justin Bieber display complete with a tidal wave of bangs.

Video of the display going up and the tongue coming out right this way...
