Even the physios in Brazil put on a show

Brazil has produced many great footballing showman over the years, so it only seems natural that they produce a visionary in the art of inappropriate physio gymnastics like this man. Every time a Comercial player went down in their Copa do Brazil match against Palmeiras, the team's medic, "Bomba," would come sprinting out with his bag of tricks and just before attending to to the writhing player, he would do a cartwheel. He did this three times. Each time, the fans called for him to do it and gave a big cheer when he did.

Perhaps this shows he was more concerned with entertaining the fans than helping the injured players or perhaps it shows his Patch Adams approach to his work. Either way, this could become something young aspiring medics around the world watch and try to emulate, bringing that Brazilian flair to a new facet of the game.

Video via 101gg
