DTotD: The second straight red card of Iker Casillas' career

Real Madrid goalkeeper Iker Casillas was shown just the second straight red card of his career in the second minute of Sunday's match against Espanyol for a weak challenge on Jose Maria Callejon after charging out of the box. Yet, despite being at a disadvantage for almost the entire match, Real still won 1-0 with a 24th minute goal from Marcelo.

Making the whole thing even weirder is the fact that Jose Mourinho not only refused to publicly berate the referee and shout conspiracy theories after the match, he even made a point to say how much he liked the guy (via Goal.com):

"I would still like to see Mateu Lohaz in every game. Maybe he made a mistake with the red card or the possible penalty," Mourinho told reporters.

"He's a great referee with a philosophy that I like very much, and has a great success rate in matches."

Madness! It's almost as if some kind of Freaky Friday type scenario played out and Mourinho and San Iker switched bodies for the day. Which really would be an awesome remake of that movie.
